Written, compiled, and edited by Frederick Mann - started: 4/11/04 - last update: 4/14/04 - Work-in-progress
My name is Frederick Mann and I've been earning my living on the Internet since 1997. You can find out more about me on my
page. (There you can find some books and lessons on the "Inner Game" --
what I call "Factor IG" -- click on "Spread and Serve.")
* Sponsoring Protocol: If you decide to join any of the programs,
mentioned in this book (including the pages linked to from this page) please
be sure to check with your sponsor/referrer to ensure you join in his/her
downline, where appropriate.
This book is primarily about making money on the Internet. I start
off by using golf as an analogy to make an important point. Most human
activities (work, relationships, finances, sports, games, etc.) involve
an "Inner Game" ("Factor IG") and an "Outer Game" ("Factor OG"). Most
people trying to succeed at something, focus on
how to do it.
There are thousands of "How to" books -- that deal almost exclusively
with Factor OG. A "How to Play Golf" book typically tells you all about
how to grip the club, how to stand and address the ball, how to
backswing, how to downswing, the ideal position of your body and the
club at impact, how to follow through, etc. It's all about the Outer
Game -- Factor OG.
Although it's vital to learn the basics of Factor OG (Outer Game) -- grip, stance, backswing, downswing, etc. --
what if success at golf depends about 5% on Factor OG and about 95% on Factor IG (Inner Game)?
"The cover story of the 1998 August issue of 'Senior Golfer' was, "Why aren't we getting any better?" This well-written article by Nick Mastroni started with, "Something
is wrong! Despite all the new technology for balls and clubs; 24 hour
golf on television, more instruction videos; more books; more golf
schools; more lessons, and in many cases, more practice: handicaps are
not any lower than they were 17 years ago." The USGA director of handicaps Kevin O'Connor says, "The average handicap of 16.2 for men, and 26.5 for women, has been the same for 17 years"." -- quoted from 'Golf Swing Secrets... and Lies' by Michael Hebron
"Humans are the only species on earth with the ability to interfere with their own performance. Self-interference is a learned skill; we are not born with it." -- Michael Hebron ('Golf Swing Secrets... and Lies') [highlight added]
"It seems clear that the breakthroughs of the next age must
come in the form of advances in our individual and collective abilities
to tap existing human capabilities and to overcome the negative internal forces that interfere with their expression." -- W. Timothy Gallwey ('The Inner Game of Golf') [highlight added]
"In 1982, I found 196 books on how to become wealthy. Today there are 976 offered by one online bookseller alone. Two decades ago, I found 497 titles on the subject of success. Today I find over 4,000
...[Y]ou are soon overwhelmed by the plethora of resources available to
help you succeed." -- Mike Hernacki ('The Ultimate Secret to Getting
Absolutely Everything You Want')
What if most "how to" (Factor OG) information is relatively useless... until you master Factor IG (the Inner Game)?
What if there are so many "get rich" and "how to become successful" books because they don't work for most people... so they
keep on buying more "get rich" and "how to become successful" books with the hope that they'll eventually find something that
"The main message is that self-discovery and
problem-solving skills are more valuable for learning than someone
else's "how to" list... Using a "how to list" is looking outside
ourselves for answers, where self-discovery looks inward where long-term
learning is born." -- Michael Hebron ('Golf Swing Secrets... and Lies')
The term "Inner Game" (which I call "Factor IG") was coined by W. Timothy Gallwey, author of the books:
- 'The Inner Game of Tennis' by W. Timothy Gallwey
- 'The Inner Game of Work' by W. Timothy Gallwey
- 'The Inner Game of Golf' by W. Timothy Gallwey
There are many people selling information online on how to make money
on the Internet. They make the money! However, 95%+ of their customers
don't -- because
Factor OG by itself just doesn't cut it, Factor OG doesn't deliver the
goods. Factor OG contributes maybe 5% to your success. On the other
Factor IG contributes maybe 95% to your success! Talking about baseball, Yogi Berra said: "90% of the game is half mental!" Spectacularly successful basketball coach
Geno Auriemma (University of Connecticut) says: "People break down mentally before they break down physically!" (
"Mental" = Factor IG; "physical" = Factor OG.)
Your Win-Lose Switch
that you have a master "win-lose switch" in your mind. It's a graduated
switch like those used for big direct-current electric motors. Rather
than just "on" and "off" settings, it's a graduated switch with eleven
settings from "0" to "10." If you set your master switch to "zero," you
are completely turned off -- a total loser. If you set your master
switch to "ten," you are the complete winner.
How do you move your switch to a higher setting? In the case of the
big DC motor, as the switch is turned up, more electricity is supplied
and the motor runs faster. How do you turn up your switch, become more
energetic, and take more effective action? (Note: If the switch is
immediately turned from "0" to "10," the motor will overload and burn
Of course, there isn't just one master switch that measures
the extent to which you win or lose in life. You can think in terms of a
win-lose switch in every area of your life you care to specify. For
example, you can think in terms of your health win-lose switch, your
relationship win-lose switch, your Internet money-making win-lose
In each area of life, you can think of your win-lose switch as being a
measure of your relative success in that area. Success is winning;
failure is losing.
The position of your switch depends about 5% on Factor OG and about 95% on Factor IG. Depending on how successful you already are,
to move up your switch, focus mostly on Factor IG!
Find Out Where You Are
You're reading this presumably because you want to make money on the
Internet. If you're already highly successful at earning your living on
the Internet, there may be no need for you to read this book. If you
have contacts and downline members who are not as successful as you are,
you may want to refer them to
and this book (* see Sponsoring Protocol, above). The purpose here is
to help readers "find out where they are" and to provide them with
information and guidelines to
"upgrade" themselves to a level that enables them to succeed at making money on the Internet.
There's an important difference between humans and animals. There's
an aspect in which animals tend to be superior to humans. In general,
animals automatically "upgrade" themselves to reach their highest
potential. Unfortunately, humans are different in this respect.
It requires conscious, deliberate, and persistent effort on our part to upgrade ourselves to reach our full potential.
We humans have powerful minds. We can use our minds to upgrade
ourselves. But we can also use our minds to downgrade ourselves. We can
use our minds to sabotage our success.
We have much more scope to use our minds against ourselves than animals do. How often do animals get unhappy, depressed, or commit suicide?
if 95%+ of people, when it comes to making money online, UNKNOWINGLY
use their minds more to sabotage themselves, than they use their minds
to succeed?
Maybe the "Hopeless-to-Guru Scale" can help you pinpoint where you
are and indicate the kind of actions you might want to take to upgrade
The Hopeless-to-Guru Scale
Level 6 - IMG - Internet-Money Guru - Mastery - Win-Lose-Switch: WLS=10
Level 5 - IMP - Internet-Money Professional - Achievement - WLS=9
Level 4 - IMS - Internet-Money Sprinter - Acceleration - WLS=8
Level 3 - IMR - Internet-Money Runner (Genius Rat) - Speed - WLS=7
Level 2 - IMW - Internet-Money Walker (Trained Rat) - Learning - WLS=6
Level 1 - IMC - Internet-Money Crawler (Clever Rat) - Exploration - WLS=5
Level 0 - IMB - Internet-Money Baby (Naive Rat) - Curiosity - WLS=4
Level -1 - IMI - Internet-Money Idiot (Dumb Rat) - Stupidity - WLS=3
Level -2 - IMF - Internet-Money Flake or Wimp (Lame Rat) - Helplessness - WLS=2
Level -3 - IMN - Internet-Money Negaholic (Retarded Rat) - Negativity - WLS=1
Level -4 - HOC - Hopeless Case (Dead Rat) - Apathy - WLS=0
The Hopeless-to-Guru Scale could be regarded as a
"competence scale." Whether you make money on the Internet or not, and how much you make is an indication of your
level of competence.
The more competent you are, the more money you make. Your competence
can be regarded as a combination of Factor IG and Factor OG.
Factor IG makes up about 95% of your competence, while Factor OG makes up about 5%.
What I call the
may be most important! The term "ostrich factor" comes from the chapter
title "The Denial of Personal Disadvantage Among You, Me, and All the
Other Ostriches" (by Crosby, Faye, Ann Pufall, Rebecca Claire Snyder,
Marion O'Connell, and Peg Whalen. (1989); Pp.79-99 in 'Gender and
Thought: Psychological Perspectives' edited by Mary Crawford, and
Margaret Gentry. New York: Springer-Verlag).
A great deal of research has been done to demonstrate that relatively
incompetent people tend to overestimate their level of competence. And,
the more incompetent people are, the more they tend to overestimate
their competence. In general,
PEOPLE TEND TO DENY THEIR DISADVANTAGES! You can read much more about this in
What this amounts to is that many people are likely to think that
their win-lose switch in some area of their life is at 4, 5, or
higher... when a more accurate assessment might be 2 or 3! On the
Hopeless-to-Guru Scale, they might think they are at "Level 0 - IMB -
Internet-Money Baby (Naive Rat) - Curiosity - WLS=4" or "Level 1 - IMC -
Internet-Money Crawler (Clever Rat) - Exploration - WLS=5," when a more
accurate assessment would be "Level -2 - IMF - Internet-Money Flake or
Wimp (Lame Rat) - Helplessness - WLS=2" or "Level -3 - IMN -
Internet-Money Negaholic (Retarded Rat) - Negativity - WLS=1."
Recently a friend emailed me:
"I joined a number of BigBooster programs some years ago
and pursued them perhaps not as intelligently or diligently as I should
have. Ended up losing my entire investment without making a dime.
I decided I lacked the necessary know-how, drive,
persistence or something to make these sorts of programs work. I keep
telling myself that I'm no salesman, but every time I "admit" that, it
makes me cringe because I realize that I've sold THAT to myself, so I'm a
pretty good salesman after all!
I'm a failure at this stuff. I invested and lost enough to
sell myself well on my own failure. I suppose what I was looking for was
wage slavery. I sold myself on the thought that this is what I needed,
this is all I deserved, or this is all I was capable of achieving. It
was a good sale. I bought it from somebody I can't really help but trust
unconditionally, myself.
So, here I am standing at a diverging road. One path seems
more secure, the other I've convinced myself I can't navigate. I think,
in this regard, I have to trust you more than I trust myself because I
believe I've sold myself on a lie."
My friend -- who probably has an IQ of at least 120, maybe 150 or
above! -- as an "Internet money-maker" was probably operating at "Level
-1 - IMI - Internet-Money Idiot (Dumb Rat) - Stupidity - WLS=3" or
below. Most likely he was using his powerful mind more to sabotage
himself than to aid his success.
Based on the interactions I've had with thousands of people trying to
make money on the Internet, it seems to me that 95%+ typically operate
at the level of "IMI - Internet-Money Idiot (Dumb Rat) - Stupidity" or
Dumbed Down
Let me tell you a secret: The ability to make decisions is an
AWESOME POWER! You also have a very powerful subconscious mind. When you make a decision,
your subconscious mind will assist you in all kinds of ways (sometimes unexpected and surprising!) to make your decision come true. (My friend, above, may have
"decided himself into failure!"
Your ability to make
positive decisions may have been
compromised or even severely damaged by your "schooling." John Taylor
Gatto was named New York City Teacher Of The Year, each year from 1989
to 1991. In 1991 the New York Senate named him State Teacher Of The
Year. Gatto confesses to being "the 7-lesson schoolteacher." You can
read more about Gatto and his "7 lessons" in
"ARE OUR SCHOOLS CONCENTRATION CAMPUSES FOR MIND DESTRUCTION?" Following are the seven lessons (aspects particularly important to the ability to make positive decisions highlighted by me):
- Confusion. Gatto admits that everything he teaches
is out of context.
- Class position. Children must know their place and
stay in the class where they belong. "The children
are numbered so that if any get away they can be returned
to the right class."
- Indifference. "Nothing important is ever
finished in my class nor in any class I know of."
- Emotional dependency. Gatto says that he teaches
children to surrender their will to the chain of command,
using "stars and red checks, smiles and frowns,
prizes, honors and disgraces."
- Intellectual dependency. The most important
lesson. Children must wait for the expert authority to
make all the important decisions, to tell them what to
study. There is no place for curiosity, only conformity.
- Provisional self-esteem. Because it is so
difficult to make self-confident spirits conform,
children must be taught that their self-respect depends
on expert opinion. They must be constantly tested,
evaluated, judged, graded, and reported on by certified
officials. Self-evaluation is irrelevant - "people
must be told what they are worth."
- You can't hide. Children are always watched. No
privacy. People can't be trusted.
According to Gatto, these are the consequences of the seven lessons:
- The private Self is almost non-existent; children develop
a superficial personality borrowed from TV shows.
- Desperate dependence.
- Unease with intimacy or candor; dislike for parents; no
real close friends; lust replaces love.
- Indifference to the adult world; very little curiosity
about anything; boredom.
- A poor sense of the future; consciousness limited to the
- Cruelty to each other.
- Striking materialism.
- The expectation to fail; the idea that success has to be
Maybe one of the purposes of "government education" is to reduce
individuals' ability to make decisions and to prepare them to become
"obedient workers" in factories and offices.
When you work in a job, it may be in an environment where you just have
to do what you're told to "succeed" (i.e., get paid at the end of the
week or month, without getting fired). Your job may never involve any
critical decisions on your part, and you may never experience the power
of your positive decisions. You may operate in a structure or system
where your decisions are largely irrelevant and unwanted.
In trying to make money on the Internet,
It's up to you to make decisions, take actions, and produce results.
Although there may a kind of support system or structure, there's no
boss standing over you to ensure that you do your work. It's an
environment very different from a job. Working in a job can result in
getting out of touch with your ability to make positive decisions.
What if outside their jobs, most people actually
DECIDE TO FAIL. So, their personal finances and relationships
tend to be a mess. Typically, they
DON'T KNOW that they decide to fail. But the fact remains:
THEY DECIDE TO FAIL. The percentage of people "trying" to make money on the Internet, who decide
to fail, is very high -- almost certainly well above 90%!
The Fastest, Most Effective, and Most Efficient Way to Recover
If you've been operating at "Level -1 - IMI - Internet-Money Idiot (Dumb Rat) - Stupidity - WLS=3," trying to make money
on the Internet, it's unlikely that you've had much success. In fact, it's almost impossible to succeed, when you operate at
"Level -1" or below. Furthermore, if you've been operating at these
minus levels, you certainly have been suffering
UNWANTED CONDITIONS, for example, "negativity," "inability to make money on the Internet," "helplessness," etc.
The best way I know of to overcome such unwanted conditions is
See also the articles
"Idenics: The Most Powerful Reprogramming for
Success!" and "Letter from Mike Goldstein..." in
WBM#182 - Get $2,700+ Per Month
In my experience, well over 90% of people trying to make money on the Internet are doomed to failure, because they operate
- Level -1 - IMI - Internet-Money Idiot (Dumb Rat) - Stupidity - WLS=3
- Level -2 - IMF - Internet-Money Flake or Wimp (Lame Rat) - Helplessness - WLS=2
- Level -3 - IMN - Internet-Money Negaholic (Retarded Rat) - Negativity - WLS=1
- Level -4 - HOC - Hopeless Case (Dead Rat) - Apathy - WLS=0
At these levels, it's virtually impossible to succeed. If you're stuck at any of these levels, you have to
DO SOMETHING TO UPGRADE YOURSELF if you want to make money.
If you don't upgrade, you won't make money. Simple as that!
If you've been trying to make money online, and you haven't enjoyed the kind of success you expected -- and this probably
applies to 95%+ of people -- the chances are that you've been operating in the "region" of Level -4, Level -3, Level -2, and
Level -1. As long as you operate at these levels, it's virtually impossible for you to make money. If you're not making money,
don't kid yourself that you're operating at a higher level. Remember the "Ostrich Factor!"
Nobody else can motivate you to apply Factor IG to upgrade yourself to higher levels.
One way to motivate yourself is to continue doing the same unworkable things you've been for months or years. Continue doing the
same things for another few weeks, months or years. If you continue to fail, come back to this book after a few weeks, months or
years, and
Consider learning a few
- That 95%+ of people fail in their attempts to make money online tells you that IT'S NOT AS EASY TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE AS YOU MAY HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE!
- There are thousands of programs that tell you how easy it is to make money. You give them your money. They make the
money. You lose the money.
the tricks of the trade. You have to WORK to upgrade your mind, so you use it to achieve your goals, rather than to
sabotage your success.
- You may have to WORK to learn how to market online.
- You may have to WORK to learn how to manage your time and your money.
- It may take you weeks, months, or even years (if your'e a "slow upgrader") of HARD WORK to get good enough to succeed.
These are some
facts of reality. If you don't believe me, just continue what you've been doing... then come back to this book after a few weeks, months or
years, and then
Another fact of reality is that
Actions produce Consequences.
If you want to produce certain Consequences (like money flowing into
your accounts from online people and programs), then you need
commit yourself to taking the necessarry Actions, whatever they may be. You need to be willing to Do Everything Necessary to
Succeed -- and you need to actually
"In order to accomplish something, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it." -- Mike
Hernacki ('The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want')
While I recommend Hernacki's book, I also need to point out what I consider his most serious error:
"To get absolutely everything you want, you don't have to study anything, meet anyone, go anywhere or do anything in
This quote is from Page 3 of his book. If it were true, it would not
be necessary to read the rest of his book! You could stop right there
and automatically get "absolutely everything you want!" Hernacki in
effect seems to say that success depends 100% on Factor IG and 0% on
Factor OG! There's a great deal of "New-Age Nonsense" along the lines of
(again quoting Hernacki), "All that matters is what goes on in your
head" and, "When you think of having ten million dollars, that money
immediately begins making its way toward you." This is absurd! It's true
that you have to "fix your head" (Factor IG), but then you have to take
the Actions --
DO THE HARD WORK! -- that produce the Consequences you want.
Get Inspired and Committed!
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy.
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative (and creation).
There is one elemental truth,
the ignornance of which kills countless ideas
and splendid plans --
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves all.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issue from the decision,
raising in one's favor all manner of incidents
and meetings and material assistance
which no one could have dreamed would come his or her way.
Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Begin it now.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
Wake Up Your Powerful Real Self!
"Deep within humans dwell those slumbering powers; powers
that would astonish them, that they never dreamed of possessing; forces
that would revolutionize their lives if aroused and put into action." --
Orison Marden
"There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of
the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to
penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into
themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly [Factor IG], no matter
which path he follows in solving these problems [Factor OG], he must
inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the
problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around
him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his
search. Socrates' words "Know thyself" remain for all those who seek
true knowledge and being." -- G. I. Gurdjieff ('Views from the Real
In his "Inner Game" books, W. Timothy Gallwey makes a distinction
between "Self 1" and "Self 2." Self 1 is an invented or alien self. Self
2 is your natural self. This is similar to
Gurdjieff's distinction between "personality" and "essence."
"Death must come before rebirth. But what must die? False
confidence in one's own knowledge, self-love and egoism. Our egoism
must be broken. We must realize that we are very complicated machines,
and so this process of breaking is bound to be a long and difficult
task. Before real growth becomes possible, our personality must die." --
G. I. Gurdjieff ('Views from the Real World')
You may have noticed some conversation or chattering going on inside
your head. For example, while having a conversation with someone, all
kinds of judgmental thoughts go through your mind about what the other
person is saying. While listening, you may also be rehearsing what
you're going to say next. This is your Self 1 in action.
In tennis there is a typical "Self 1 downward spiral." You hit a poor
backhand into the net. Your Self 1 comments in your head, "That was a
terrible shot!" After a few more weak backhands, your Self 1 says, "My
backhand is terrible!" Not too long after that, the comment becomes,
"I'll never be able to play good tennis!" -- or some similar putdown.
The "Self 1 downward spiral" may not stop there. It might be followed
with, "I'm too clumsy to be good at any sport." And even, "I'm a
worthless person."
Your Self 1 may also be constantly telling you what to do and what
not to do. The essence of Self 1 is that it INTERFERES with the powerful
abilities of your natural Self 2. Self 1 operates at the negative
levels of the Hopeless-to-Guru Scale. To move your win-lose switch
toward 10, you need to "kill" your Self 1 and wake up your Self 2.
Gallwey has come up with the formula:
Performance = Potential - Interference.
In any area of your life you can improve your performance by reducing interference from your Self 1.
Your Self 2 is your Powerful Real Self or essence. To wake up your
Self 2, you may have to "kill" aspects of your Self 1. By "kill" I mean
become aware of and UNLEARN a host of more or less unconscious thinking
habits designed to keep your Self 1 in control and suppress your Self
Your Self 2 has powerful, natural learning abilities. Your Self 1 may
interfere with your natural learning. Much of "formal education" is
styled after Self 1 interference and is more of a hindrance than an aid
to natural learning. Most humans have largely lost their natural
learning abilities -- a big disadvantage! Fortunately, by reducing Self 1
interference, you can recover your natural learning abilities.
If you're trying to make money on the Internet, you may experience
interference from your Self 1 in the form of negative comments
circulating in your mind. Your Self 1 may be sabotaging you in other
ways -- like steering you into making bad decisions.
In all kinds of activities ranging from sports to ordinary
communication and to making money on the Internet, there is an Inner
Game (Factor IG) and an Outer Game (Factor OG). The Outer Game has to do
with hitting the ball. The Inner Game has to do with what goes on in
your mind.
By becoming better at the Inner Game, you can greatly improve your
Outer Game. If you're not as successful as you would like to be with
your Outer Game of making money on the Internet (or anything else), you
may want to work on improving your Inner Game.
In my opinion, Gallwey's Inner Game formulation is one of the most
important breakthroughs in understanding and improving human Behavior:
- 'The Inner Game of Tennis' by W. Timothy Gallwey
- 'The Inner Game of Work' by W. Timothy Gallwey
- 'The Inner Game of Golf' by W. Timothy Gallwey
Your Self 1 interference may put you at a disadvantage in several
areas of your life. Self 1 interference could even cause you huge
disadvantages. Gallwey's books include several examples of people
dramatically increasing their advantages by becoming aware of and
"killing" aspects of their Self 1 (such as compulsive and chronic
negativity). Most likely, you'll be able to do the same -- waking up
your Powerful Real Self!
Kenneth W. Christian, Ph.D. has written a great book
Your Own Worst Enemy: Breaking the Habit of Adult Underachievement.
It's so thorough that it almost serves as an encyclopedia of all the
ways in which your Self 1 sabotages your success and reduces you to an
underachiever. Dr. Christian has gone further and created a
comprehensive support system for those who want to upgrade themselves by
breaking their underachievement habits:
If at this point, you feel somewhat overwhelmed, dismayed, and
discouraged by the huge "Factor IG mountain" you have to climb before
you can become successful, I have good news! There's a quick, effective,
and efficient way to blast most of the "Self 1 crap" out of your mind.
It's called
Idenics. See also the articles
"Idenics: The Most Powerful Reprogramming for Success!" and "Letter from Mike Goldstein..." in
WBM#182 - Get $2,700+ Per Month Gu@ranteed!
The following is from a testimonial letter I wrote in 1995:
is a powerful, straightforward and effective system that addresses an
individual's "unwanted conditions" [personal disadvantages or
deficiencies] on a one-to-one basis.
About three years ago I experienced Idenics for the first
time. I started with a list of about 30 "unwanted conditions" in my life
- things I didn't like about myself - mainly fixed and more or less
compulsive emotional behaviors.
It took about 35 minutes to handle the first "unwanted
condition." The second one took about 15 minutes. I handled each
successive "unwanted condition" in less time. It was truly amazing how
certain long-standing problems disappeared in minutes!
About nine months after the first few sessions, I had a few
more Idenics sessions. There were only a few minor "unwanted conditions"
to handle and I handled them very quickly.
Before Idenics I was never particularly successful at
anything for very long. Every venture or business I tried to start,
failed quickly or never got off the ground. I found it extremely
difficult to get others working with me.
Since Idenics all that has changed. Now there are people
from all over the world working with me. Hundreds of thousands read my
writing. People are changing their lives because of my influence.
Companies are being reorganized according to my suggestions. I feel that
I've become spectacularly successful and that much greater success is
coming in the future!"
You can find the rest of the letter on the
Idenics website.
SELF-MOTIVATION (Part 1) by Thomas D. Yarnell, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Copyright 1999 Thomas D. Yarnell, Ph.D. All rights reserved
Successful performance at just about anything requires that you be
able to keep yourself motivated. Discouragement and lack of motivation
hits everyone at some time or another. The more techniques we have to
help us restart our engine or to keep it going when things get tough or
boring, the more successful we will be.
Technique To Build Self-Motivation: VISUAL GOALS
Everyone expects to get something for the time and effort they put in
doing whatever job they do. Maybe your goal is a new house, a car, a
vacation or just a new piece of clothing. Whatever it is that you are
working for, make it visual. Cut out pictures that show your goal or
that represent your goal in some way.
Tape these pictures to a sheet of poster board and hang it in your
home or at work or anyplace you can so you will see it often. Carry a
picture with you so you can look at what you are working towards every
time you become discouraged or feel like slacking off.
This technique works well for goals that are things we want and also
goals that represent physical changes such as losing weight. You can
post and carry pictures of the car you want or pictures of Hawaii to
represent the vacation you want. You can also post and carry pictures of
you when you were slim or at least slimmer than you are. Some of my
clients who don't remember ever being slim found that they could cut out
pictures from a magazine of someone else who was slim and then paste
their face over the face in the picture. After the initial laugh about
how silly that looked, they became used to it and found that it
worked just as well as the others who had slim pictures of themself.
The more visual and more real you can make the goal, the better it
will work at keeping you motivated. One person I know was saving money
for a very specific and expensive sports car. He knew it would take
awhile before he had the money and he became discouraged often even
though he had pictures of the car scattered all over his house and in
the car he drove then. To make it more real to him, he and his wife went
to the car dealer and took his picture sitting behind the wheel,
looking in the trunk and standing next to the car. After posting these
pictures, he related that it made it so much more real and much easier
to stay on task when he became discouraged.
Technique To Build Self-Motivation: WRITTEN CONTRACTS
Motivational research shows that people who write out what they are
going to do are far more successful than people who only tell themselves
they will do something. Putting something in writing makes it
psychologically more powerful. This is one reason why making written
lists helps us stay more organized than just having a mental list. Our
society favors written contracts and most of us have grown up knowing
that you are supposed to honor written contracts. We can take advantage
of this psychological conditioning to help us stay motivated. We can
make a contract with ourself.
In the contract, state what you will do, when you will complete the
task and what your reward will be once the contract is fulfilled. Read
your contract over every morning and every evening before going to bed.
If your goals are too small or too large, revise them. You can rewrite
your contract as needed but don't make it so easy that it becomes
useless as a motivator.
In SELF-MOTIVATION (Part 1) I talked about using "Visual Goals" and
"Written Contracts" to help you keep yourself motivated. I know, life
should be fun so you wouldn't have to play mind games with yourself to
keep yourself motivated. Unfortunately, it just isn't that way much or
even most of the time. Here are two more techniques you can use to help
keep your battery charged.
Technique To Build Self-Motivation: REWARDS
Everyone likes to be rewarded for doing a good job. We also like
being rewarded for just completing something we needed or wanted to do.
Unfortunately, there are many times when there is no one else around to
pat us on the back for the job we completed. Pats on the back, "good
job," "nice work," "thank you" are all essential to being a motivated,
productive person. There are many people in positions of authority who
do not realize this or who don't care. If this is what's happening to
you, you probably already feel discouraged. While rewarding yourself is
not as potent as having the reward come from someone else, it can still
help you stay motivated, productive and happier than if you received no
reinforcement at all.
To make the reward system really work, you must pick rewards that you
really want. Large or small, expensive or cheap, if it isn't something
you want, it isn't a reward. The size of the reward should also fit the
size of the project. Buying a new car because you cleaned the garage is
out of the question -- if you know what I mean. Taking an hour to sit
and read your favorite mystery novel after completing the task seems
more in line.
Technique To Build Self-Motivation: PUT IT IN WRITING
Review the section on written contracts in Part 1. Make a contract
with yourself to reward yourself with "X" when you complete whatever
project you are working on. How often you reward yourself will depend on
how unmotivated you are. If you are feeling unmotivated to do a
project, you may contract with yourself to give yourself a reward after
each step of the project or after every hour you've worked. If you are
motivated to do something, you may wait until it's totally completed
before rewarding yourself.
Finally, if you promise yourself a reward, you must give it to
yourself and you must take it. Our mind is a fascinating device and it
has a huge memory. Make a contract with yourself for a special reward,
complete the task but then, don't take the reward. The next time, your
mind will recall the broken promise and the contract for a reward will
not have the same motivating results as if you had taken and received
the reward the last time.
This technique also holds true when you are trying to motivate
someone else (spouse, child, friend, employee). Use all the same
procedures and you will be able to produce some motivation for the other
person. Just make sure the reward is something they want and not
something you want.
Technique To Build Self-Motivation: ACT "AS IF"
Many of us have heard the phrase "Smile and things will get better."
The psychological truth is that this is true. If you wake up feeling
rotten, hating the world, put a smile on your face and some bounce in
your step and pretty soon, you will start feeling better. Most people
know that our body language tells a lot about our mood. What most people
don't know is that, because of this relationship, you can use your body
language to change your mood and how you feel about yourself. If you
start acting confident (stand straight, head high, shoulders back, a
smile on your face and walk crisply) even though you feel discouraged,
your discouragement will begin to disolve. You will begin to feel more
confident and sure of yourself. As this begins to happen, you will
become more energized and motivated which, in turn, will make you feel
even better about yourself.
In the beginning, you will be aware that you are just "faking it."
With practice, it will become more natural and will become a genuine
part of your personality. You can now start to transform your
personality so you will be the type of person you want to be. It will
take time and persistence but it does work.
Dr. Yarnell has produced many self-improvement and personal growth cassette tapes and CDs for adults, teens and children.
CLICK HERE to go to his secure, online store.
If you would like to read more about anger management, anxiety,
depression, grief, healing, hypnosis, parenting, relationships or
CLICK HERE for Dr. Yarnell's recommended book reading list.
Call in the Rats!
There are two broad classes of factors that determine your win-lose switch settings:
- INNER Factors;
- OUTER Factors.
The Inner Factors are vastly more important and powerful than the
Outer Factors. No matter how well you master the Outer Factors, unless
you overcome any Inner Factors that may be holding you down,
you will fail!
To the extent that you handle the Inner Factors, theOuter Factors will become a breeze and
Index of INNER Factors
Index of OUTER Factors
Negativity and How to Overcome It
"It is far more important to know how to deal with the negative than to be "positive"." -- Martin Seligman ('Learned Optimism')
Learned Helplessness and How to Overcome It
Computer and Internet Basics
Marketing Basics
Money Basics